During late March and April (which is really harvest time in the Southern hemisphere), I took to trying out all sorts of jams and preserve making. I'd always felt that jam making was filled with mystery - that this was something that only your grandmother or maybe mother could accomplish. I needed to bust this myth or at least know that I tried.
And what a wonderful experience it turned out to be!! Jam making is dead easy - it's really all about the best quality fruit you can get, weight of fruit vs. sugar vs. water, boil until thick and bottle - voila - that simple!!!!!!!!!
Well okay, some are simpler than others' to make and yes, I did learn a few don'ts and a few worth trying, DO's. I even tried making apricot jam out of dried apricots - just a easy- and it makes a delicious fruity jam!
Anyone for scones and tea?
Amazing......Before I opened this post, I thought you were just trying out to make some jam which would get used for may be a week or two for your family...but when I saw the pics I understood that you were into something more serious..your labels..do you make and sell them Gena...that's truly great...I notice that stamp of Vintage on all your products...snaps, and now on the jam bottles..
The women folk here too make these...mostly pickles. My mother made jackfruit jam once...I remember...but they did not venture into business...
Roy, I'm curious and love to try out things and when I do something that I enjoy, I tend to do it alot! Learnt how to make jam about 8 years ago and altho it's not something I do often, I do enjoy it - quite rewarding, since it's dead easy and you get to enjoy your own produce as well as share it with friends! I am not quite at selling yet ... maybe soon, who knows!? G
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